Sustainable value of real estate is created in places where people want to work, live and stay. In buoyant city centers that are buzzling with activities. In places with a strategic focus on sustainability and an attractive mixture of functions. Holtburgh invests and develops in such locations in the Netherlands and abroad.
Holtburgh Capital initiates and structures real estate investments and developments, generates the required capital and manages the real estate funds. With our Asset Management, we actively contribute to the vitality and quality of our inner cities.
What makes us unique as an investor is that we have a intrinsic desire to create sustainable projects, including the usage of cross-laminated timber as building material. Holtburgh consciously prioritizes to invest in functionality and people above brick and mortar. In this way, our people make a sustainable difference to the world.
Our advisory board holds three seasoned professionals in their respective areas of expertise. The board provides corporate and strategic advise on matters that concern the Holtburgh organisation and its management. The advisory board has a fully independent position and advisory role herein.
Mr. drs. W.J.M (Wim) Crul. Wim Crul has had an extensive banking career with various Dutch corporate banks, such as ING and ABN AMRO. Throughout his career in top management positions mr. Crul has been responsible a.o. for real estate finance and financial lease. Wim is member of our advisory board since 2010.
Mr. drs. N.J. van der Wal (Koos). Koos van der Wal has had an extensive career as a Partner with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). Herein mr. van der Wal has been responsible for large corporate accounts with PWC. Since 2011 mr. van der Wal holds various corporate and advisory positions among established businesses in the Netherlands. Koos is member of our advisory board since 2019.
Mrs. mr. drs. B. (Barbara) van Hussen is senior partner corporate law. For 16 years she has been M&A Partner with DLA Piper in the Netherlands and with DLP Piper in Londen. Throughout her career she has held various international corporate functions, such as board member in the International Executive Board. In 2011 Barbara won the price for the best M&A Lawyer in the Netherlands. Besides her current position as a partner with JB Law, Barbara holds a number of advisory roles. Barbara is member of our advisory board since 2020.
'We love ugly buildings'
'We create pretty buildings'
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